Merits as a Member of Company Group
Broaden Horizons in Pharmaceutical Business
Koa Shoji is a member of Koa Shoji Holdings Group. It consists of Koa Isei manufacturing and marketing ethical drugs, Koa Biotech Bay running packaging of pharmaceuticals and manufacturing and marketing OTC drugs and health food, and us. We are always strongly aware of being a member of this group.
Even though we ourselves are an importer and seller of APIs, we have broader horizons as a member of the group. Since this group was established, Koa Shoji has been sharing the views of the other member companies.
As already mentioned, we run our business in a long span as drawing one vertical line. Furthermore, we have broad horizons to see the overall of the pharmaceutical business. Thus we have been developing the range of our business.
Bring Group Synergy
By having group companies in different business fields, group synergy effects have been brought to us. In our group, all the member companies share their own ideas with each other. It dramatically amplifies the effect of our business rather than working separately and individually.
Koa Shoji has been staying, and will be keeping on staying as the best partner for generics. By now, we have been the best partner only of APIs. However, we have got an opportunity to be the best partner in every aspect of pharmaceuticals with having our group companies.
Please see how further we will grow as a member company of Koa Shoji Holdings Group.